
Cross Technical Solutions management is committed to:

  • Providing out clients with a premium service and technical expertise in the Specialist Area Refrigeration Engineering.
  • Maintaining a Quality Management System compliant with the requirements of I.S.EN ISO 9001:2015
  • Evolving the Quality Management System through continual improvement.
  • Developing appropriate objectives and measures by which the effectiveness of the Quality Management System can be assessed.

Environmental Policy

Cross Technical Solutions regards environmental protection as an essential requirement of its operations. The company regards environmental protection as a management responsibility ranking equally with responsibilities for health and safety, production and sales.

The company is committed to:

  • Taking all practicable steps to ensure that its present and future activities do not have a detrimental effect on the environment.
  • Using the best available techniques or technology (BAT) to control any emissions to atmosphere, trade effluent noise and the handling and disposal of waste arising from its operations.
  • Co-operate fully with the relevant authorities in meeting its legal obligations.
  • Using resources with care.
  • Ensuring that all employees are aware of their responsibilities regarding environmental protection and that they receive proper instruction and training in this aspect of their work.
  • Develop management processes, operational procedures and audit capabilities to ensure that systems in place prevent environmental damage.
  • Progressively improve levels of environmental protection.
  • CTS Environmental Policy provides the framework for setting and reviewing environmental objectives and targets.
  • The company policy is available to the public